Modal Directory
Modals are elements that overlay base UI to communicate a focused message or to prompt feedback. Pando exposes several versions of this experience, but does not provide a specifically named <Modal />
Modal Directory
Blocking experiences
Pando provides a few different versions of the dialog element, which indicates a mandatory user action. Each of these versions is designed to be used in different contexts.
<AlertDialog />
is the collection of components that comprise a modal. Use this collection of components and/or recipes to have the ability to fully customize your dialog experience. Alert Dialog is a blocking experience to require a user action.
is meant to interrupt the user with a mandatory confirmation or action. This is a blocking experience.
<PromptDialog />
is used to interrupt the user with a mandatory validation input and action. This is a blocking experience.
Non-blocking experiences
Pando provides a few different versions of non-blocking overlay experiences.
<Popover />
is meant to display a focused message or prompt feedback in an element floating around a trigger. This is a non-blocking experience.
<Toast />
is a low priority message that is displayed in a non-blocking manner. Toasts are meant to be used for feedback or confirmation of an action. This is a non-blocking experience.
<Tooltip />
is used to display a helpful message when hovering over an element. This is a non-blocking experience.