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Icon Button Overview


Pando’s <IconButton /> is an interactive element that performs an action when activated. It should only contain an icon and is meant to be used only when space is limited. For a button with text, see the

<IconButton /> has custom props as well as access to all native <button /> attributes. for more information on the native <button /> element including attributes and behavior

Examples: Sending an email, linking to a common social media site in a header, or deleting an item in a list

Button Anatomy

  • Button
  • Icon


import { IconButton } from '@pluralsight/react'




ariaLabel: null,
shape: 'square',
palette: 'action',
usage: 'filled',
size: 'lg',

All options:

Note: those denoted with ? are optional

ariaLabel: string,
shape?: 'square' | 'circle'
palette?: 'action' | 'neutral' | 'danger',
usage?: 'filled' | 'text',
size?: 'lg' | 'md' | 'sm' | 'xs',