Font stack
PS TT Commons
Used for all text styles throughout the entire user interface, except code samples.
DM Mono
Used only for code samples and code syntax.
Download fonts here
Pando typography relies on the correct usage of text syntax which will help your designs and development accessible by nature.
Heading text is based on the HTML heading elements
(style name - font-weight font-size/line-height)
Display Headings
Use display headings for large marketing or promotion-related graphics and banners.
display large
Token name: PandoTextStylesDisplayLg
display medium
Token name: PandoTextStylesDisplayMd
display small
Token name: PandoTextStylesDisplaySm
Non-heading text
All non-heading text is based on HTML elements for the utmost accessibility. Use underline styles for linked text only.
(Style name - font-weight font-size/line-height)
xs - Medium 12/150%
Token name: PandoTextStylesBodyXs
Use as the smallest UI text, mostly for copyright or boilerplate copy that is not critical to the user flow.
sm - Medium 14/150%
Token name: PandoTextStylesBodySm
Use for user flow text that is less is less important, or in smaller components and tighter spaces
md - Medium 16/150%
Token name: PandoTextStylesBodyMd
The default font-size, use as a default UI copy size for all UI use cases.
lg - Medium 18/150%
Token name: PandoTextStylesBodyLg
xl - Medium 20/150%
Token name: PandoTextStylesBodyXl
2xl - Medium 24/150%
Token name: PandoTextStylesBody2xl
We support ul
, ol
, and dl
list styling.
Code Blocks
For codeblocks, use the code
, kbd
, or samp
If you need to change the sized of the code, you can use the code
Use only text styles or variables for text colors, as labeled in the Pando Colors library.
View the Color Section for more information, descriptions, and examples of the different sentiments and colors.
Measure & alignment
Wrapping text for a more accessible and readable user experience. Base the line-length on the font-size, and adjust responsively.
Wide lines of text can be difficult for people to read, and require
increased focus. While there is no way to measure a perfect line length
for everyone, a general rule of 60-100 characters is often cited as a
best practice.
When designing, this should be taken into consideration according to font
size and responsive layout. Users may change the width and size of their
viewports, as well as their font size, thereby altering the perceived
line length.
By default, all text should align to the leading edge of its container. Do not justify text as this is not considered a best practice for text displayed in a web browser.
Exceptions to leading-edge alignment
Center align: Buttons, Badges, TypeFlags, or interactive triggers (i.e. Tabs)
Trailing edge align:
Table cells containing numbers, definition list definitions/values, any stacked incrementing numbers
Spacing between headings and normal text should be set to 50% of the font-size of the heading.
Understanding WCAG (3xl)
‘3xl’ or 30px has 15px of bottom marginUnderstanding WCAG (18px)
‘lg’ or 18px has 9px of bottom marginUnderstanding WCAG (16px)
‘md’ or 16px has 8px of bottom marginSizing, spacing, and aligning icons to text
Icons should be aligned vertically centered to text, spaced apart by 50% of the font-size, and sized to 110% of font size.
Medium 16px text with an icon
Large 18px text with an icon
2xl 24px text with an icon